Earth Homes: E1
Design configuration
Vastu compliant, configurable design module
Build up area between 2800 sq ft to 3500 sq ft
Parking for 1/ 2 cars
Foyer, Puja, Living, Dining, Powder room, Kitchen, utility, Bedrooms 3 nos with attached toilet
Multi use room, which can be converted to 4th bedroom or office/ media room
Double height/ duplex plan
The foundation is of Size Stone Masonry (SSM) in cement mortar (1 : 6, cement : sand, by volume). The plinth consists of thick reinforced concrete beam with nominal reinforcement.
The load bearing masonry walls consist of Compressed Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB). The walls are 300 mm thick in section.
Roofing system
A combination of masonry vaults and flat roofs. The masonry in the vaults consists of CSEB in 1 : 1 : 3 (cement : soil : sand, by volume) cement-soil mortar.
The flooring is finished using Kota stone slabs with in-situ polishing.
Doors and Windows
Teakwood frames and shutters for the doors. Teakwood frames and glass shutters for the windows and ventilators.